Whistleblower Non-Retaliation

Policy You are protected from reprisal by adverse employment action or other retaliation as a result of disclosing wrongful conduct. If you have concerns about retaliation, report them to your supervisor or other University administrator. Read the Policy Related Procedures There […]

Categories: Human Resources

Consensual Relationships

Policy You may not enter into a consensual romantic or sexual relationship with a Wake Forest University undergraduate student or other individual under your direct supervision/evaluation. You must disclose pre-existing or developing relationships. Read the Policy Related Procedures There are no […]

Categories: Human Resources


Policy Hiring of relatives within the same department is discouraged as it may cause a conflict of interest, or the appearance of bias, but may be permitted when there is no direct reporting relationship. Approval from Human Resources and the Conflict of Interest Office is […]

Categories: Human Resources

Education Benefits for Employees

Policy As a faculty or staff member, you may qualify for full tuition reduction for part-time study in the Wake Forest University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. This academic work does not have to relate directly to your job responsibilities. You may qualify for […]

Categories: Human Resources
