To make Wake Forest administrative policies more accessible to the campus community, a new consolidated University Policy Library website – – has been launched and is available to everyone in the campus community. All administrative policies and supporting documents from departments within Finance […]
Policy This document outlines the policies and procedures governing the proper initiation, review, approval and procurement of capital and operating improvement projects at Wake Forest University. This policy defines the different project types, outlines the project phases, and covers the approval process, procurement bidding requirements, […]
Policy Business assets are tangible long-term assets or property (that cannot easily be converted into cash) with acquisition value (usually original cost) in excess of certain thresholds and whether purchased, constructed, gifted/ donated, or leased. They are owned or accountable by the University and not […]
Policy This policy guide is to be used when inviting international visitors to Wake Forest University. This applies to visitors coming from other countries as well as visitors coming from other institutions based in the U.S. Read the Policy Related Procedures […]
Policy The University is committed to providing essential, non-compensatory, business-related tools for faculty and staff in a manner that promotes the proper stewardship of assets; complies with IRS and other regulatory requirements; and establishes a framework for consistent decision-making. The majority of faculty and staff […]
Policy Departmental staff who accept credit cards as a form of payment must abide by specific guidance to provide a secure environment to protect cardholders and the University against both loss and fraud and, as required by the credit card associations, to ensure the University […]